First Aid Kit Suggestions

(Content provided by: Mary Catherine ("Cathy") Miller)


(NOTE: Quantities are for one person for one small kit. Multiply quantities according to your family needs.)

Essential Items:

4 Triangular Bandages (Cravats)

10 Bandage Pads (4" x 4")

1 Bandage Roll (1" x 1 to 5 yards)

1 Bandage Roll (2" x 1 to 5 yards)

1 Adhesive Tape Roll (1" x 1 to 5 yards)

10 Adherent Bandages (Band-Aids, assorted sizes)

5 Sterile dressings (4" x 4")

5 Sterile dressings, non-adhesive (3" x 4")

5 Steri-Strips or butterfly bandages

5 to 10 Cotton-tipped swabs

1 Heavy String (1 yard)

1 Tissues Package

10 Alcohol Preps

1 Snakebite Kit

1 Bottle of Water

1 Baking Soda (2 ounces)

1 Antihistamine

1 Aspirin (4 tablets)

1 Non-aspirin pain reliever (4 tablets)

1 Motion Sickness Medication (4 tablets)

1 Diarrhea Medication ( 4 tablets)

1 Laxative (4 tablets)

1 Antiseptic Solution/Wound Cleanser

1 Antibiotic Ointment

1 Salt (2 ounces)

1 Sugar or Glucogon (2 ounces)

1 Syrup of Ipecac (Contact Poison Control for use)

1 Activated Charcoal (Contact Poison Control for use)

1 Rubbing Alcohol (4 ounces)

2 Latex Gloves

1 Bandage scissors

1 Tweezers

1 Flashlight

2 Safety Pins

5 Plastic bags (zip-lock sandwich bags)

1 Pen

Prescription Medications

1 First Aid Information booklet

Optional Items:

4 Sanitary Napkins

10 Cotton Balls or Pads

1 Elastic Bandage (Ace Bandage) (2" wide)

1 Elastic Bandage (Ace Bandage) (4" wide)

1 Bulb Irrigating Syringe

4 Plastic Spoons

2 Sewing Needles

1 White Thread Spool

1 Pocket Knife

1 Dental Floss

1 Paper Cups (5 cups)

2 Hot packs

2 Cold packs

1 Thermometer

1 Mirror (unbreakable)

1 Note pad

1 Permanent Marker

1 Thermal Fold-up Blanket

1 Plastic Sheeting

1 Waterproof Matches

1 Tea Ball (for herbal tea)

1 Tea Pot

1 Cheesecloth

1 Mortar & Pestle

1 Diffuser

1 Atomizer

1 Medicine Dropper

1 Liquid Antibacterial Soap (2 ounces)

1 Insect Repellent

1 Witch Hazel (2 ounces)

1 Olive Oil (2 ounces)

1 Petroleum Jelly (1 ounce)

1 Sunscreen (2 ounces)

1 Water Purification Tablets

1 Chlorine Bleach (4 ounces)

(NOTE: Adjust your kit to your family's needs. Include those items which you will use.)

Your first aid kit should include a small emergency first aid guide and a survival or healing book. You will need to adjust the quantities according to your individual and family needs, and add or omit items based on what you expect to need in an emergency. Quantities given here are for one person for overnight emergency use. Organize your first aid kit using your best judgment, prayerfully. Keep your kit well-stocked, neatly organized, compact, and close at hand (easily transportable). Use the items from your kit regularly, restocking them frequently so that your supplies are kept fresh, your knowledge and skill is sharp, and you can find them readily when you need them. Your first aid supplies should be stored in a water-tight or water-repellent, compact, easy-to-carry container at room temperature. You may select a tackle box, backpack, ice cream bucket, milk jug, pail, #10 can with lid, tote bag, or other container for your kit. Restock your kit after each use, and frequently check expiration dates & batteries.


Medications include prescription and nonprescription medication, including herbal remedies and natural substances. For example, an antiseptic solution may consist of peroxide and normal saline, a commercial product, or an appropriate herbal tincture. Antibiotic ointment may be the traditional triple antibiotic ointment, a commercial product, or an appropriate herbal essential oil added to petroleum jelly. A laxative product may be pills purchased from the pharmacy or an appropriate herbal tea or product. Normal saline can be purchased in sterile containers, or may be made by mixing the proper amount of salt and sterile (or boiled) water. For saline solution, mix one teaspoonful of salt to 800 cc or 27 ounces of water. (Use non-iodized salt because some people are sensitive to iodine. You can buy prepared isotonic saline nasal spray, use up the bottle, then refill it with 1/3 teaspoonful of salt to 8 ounces of water. Refill it once a week to prevent contamination. To mix 6 ounces of tap water, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt.)


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