Picture the following scenario: Driving home in the twilight from work, you're
tired after the day's pressures. Instead of concentrating on the road, you are
lost in thought about tonight's plans. Suddenly there is a problem with the
suspension in your car. It feels odd and worsens rapidly. You get hit between
the eyes with a sudden, horrible realization that it's not the car; it's an
Everyone pulls over in alarm. The situation is further complicated as you
discover that the bridge ahead has collapsed. Seen in your rear view mirror,
the overpass is a pile of rubble across the freeway. Your goal is still the
same, getting home.
An emergency while traveling could be many things; fill in the
disaster "blank" for what you are most likely to face in your area. Whether it
be floods, bushfires, earthquake in most places, tsunamis on the coasts or even
a flat tire can give you reason to be thankful you planned ahead.
General Advice
Assume whatever "it" is, has just happened. Are you safe? Do you need to move?
First, do CAPS (as in put on your thinking CAPS):
Calm down
Assess the situation
Set your course of action.
Mentally, go on Yellow Alert*, Red Alert** if you must, depending on the
situation. Forget unassociated problems; concentrate on the difficulty at hand.
Relax and remember, it could be worse. Think positively. You will get home
safe and sound, this event will fade and life will move on. Don't allow
yourself to be distracted from your goal of getting home safely.
Yellow and Red Alerts are from Frank Cuccioni's Tactical Response System.
*Yellow Alert is anticipating problems, observing your environment, looking
people in the eye as you pass them. Avoid all trouble.
**Red Alert is handling trouble you can not avoid.
You'll have several decisions to make:
1. Should you move your car to a more, or less, visible location? (If
possible). To hide or remain visible... This depends on your unique situation;
follow your intuition. Being in sight helps someone who may look for you know
more about your situation. Being out of sight may protect you and your
2. Should you leave a note with the car? (Will someone be looking for you)?
3. If you have to walk home, what is your course? Sketch a plan. Divide the
plan by setting goals like landmarks. Go for one goal at a time .
In preparing to leave your car, gather your gear. Check clothing and SHOES .
Don't be in a hurry to hit the road. You'll waste time and energy if you need
to return to your car for a forgotten item.
It may be wise to eat and drink before leaving or as you set out. You have your
supplies; snack and drink frequently. This gives you extra time to think if
needed. Don't start out with a hunger or thirst disadvantage. Your supplies
may contain a meal that is heavy or bulky. This is a good time to consume that
meal; there will be less weight to carry.
Before you have a problem, mentally explore multiple ways to get home. Note
bridges, overpasses, rivers, bad neighborhoods etc., and take the course of
least resistance. "Never step on what you can step over, never go over what you
can go around, never climb up what you can walk around". (Daniel Boone?)
Set a comfortable walking pace, slow down to baby steps if necessary to climb or
descend steep grades. If your feet hurt, or you get a warm sensation somewhere
on the feet, STOP! Fix this problem before you get a blister .
Remind yourself it could be worse, count your blessings, stay calm. You must
help yourself first before you are fully capable helping family, friends and
others. For example, in an aircraft if the oxygen masks drop, calmly put it on
and start it. Then help others put theirs on.
Stay on Yellow Alert; don't allow yourself to be surprised by anything or
anyone. Act confident and look confident. This helps ward off predators.
Statistics show that would-be muggers avoid people that walk purposefully and
are aware of surroundings.
By the time you reach the first goal, a phone for instance, hopefully the
situation has improved.
Other possible first goals might be:
Someone is contacted to pick you up
Public transportation is running
Check into a motel or shelter
If your first goal is not met, go to the second goal and keep walking .
Ten miles is a good hike, fifteen is a power hike. If you're home is further
than that, shelter becomes an issue. This is a widely variable problem and not
easily addressed here. Bare minimum shelter is a Space Bag or Space Blanket
which keeps in your body heat and weather out. Improvise if you can't make it
home in one day's walk.
Having emergency gear in your vehicle, having planned ahead and by setting
goals, you will greatly ease your journey to get home.
TIP 1: Make friends along the way that you commute. Is there someone you work
with? Go to school with? Go to church with? Make a note of their address and
phone number; they will be more willing to help than a stranger.
TIP 2: If Goal Number One is a pay phone, call someone and tell him or her
your situation and plan. In disasters, phone lines are often jammed with
incoming calls to stricken areas. This can prevent local calls, but you can
frequently call long distance. Have an out-of-the-area emergency contact, a
friend or relative a hundred or more miles away, who can relay vital
information. Tell your family who your emergency contact is before disaster
strikes. Consider a prepaid phone card.
TIP 3: The next time you are about to wear those old reliable walking shoes or
boots, stow them in your car before they are worn out; make them your emergency
pair. They are already broken in, you know them and they know your feet. If
walking is required, you can choose between what you're wearing and "old
TIP 4: Snack or drink when you feel the need. Don't let yourself become run
down from the effort. Snacking provides a distraction from your chore, it
prepares your body ahead of an unforeseen exertion. Stay on Yellow Alert.
TIP 5: If you don't walk or hike much, make time to practice a portion of your
route to get the feel for it. Check out books on hiking; look for some that
explain walking techniques.
TIP 6: Do not allow your feet to blister! I can't stress this enough. Buy sock
liners, thin silk or synthetic socks that go on under your regular socks. You
may also want to try a high performance sock for walking, such as Ultra's.
If you suspect a blister developing.
Stop, remove your shoes and socks.
Inspect your foot, inspect you shoes.
Have moleskin in your kit and apply it to the red-warm-inflamed areas.
When treated, and your foot is cool again, put on both pairs of socks and then
the shoes. Pay attention to your feet!
TIP 7: Normally your last resort is walking home. If another solution is
workable or safer, opt for it. Pray to make good decisions.
Bug Spray or Lotion
First Aid Book
First Aid Kit with Moleskin, including prescription medications
Foot Powder Lip balm, like Chapstick or Blistex
Large Bottle of Mouthwash - according to Ted Wright of "Wright's Complete
Disaster Survival Manual", mouthwash can be used for: mouthwash antiseptic saves
water when cleaning teeth, soother for tired feet, underarm freshener, washing
minor cuts and wounds
Can Opener
Food: ready-to-eat, requiring no preparation; choose individual serving sizes
and snacks for on-the-go
Disposable Eating Utensils: plastic knife, fork and spoon, if needed, depending
on food choices
Plastic Cup Water, and/or Water Filter with a container
Personal Hygiene Items
Premoistened Disposable Towelettes
Toilet Paper, folded and in a baggie
Trash Bags for hygiene purposes, small-size
Cash: coins and small bills, enough for a motel room or tow service
Pencil/Pen Paper
Additional Clothing to suit seasonal needs such as gloves, sweat suit, hat or
Adhesive Reflector Tape (to be applied to your coat and shoes if you have to
walk at night)
Comfortable Shoes or Boots, extra socks and sock liners, extra underwear
Disposable Face Masks
Extra Coat, jacket, or sweater. Waterproof may be a wise choice
Trash Bags for warmth or waterproofing, large and heavy duty
Work Gloves
Backpack for carrying essentials if walking becomes necessary
Candle, emergency type in its own shielded container
Duct Tape (it has a thousand uses!)
Fire Extinguisher
Pocket Lighter like BIC
Flashlight and Extra Batteries (metal flashlights can double as weapon)
Heavy-duty Blanket or Sleeping Bag
Space Blanket or Space Bag
Tools: Auto repair items, belts, hoses, clamps, rubber hose for siphoning,
folding shovel, crow bar
Walkman type AM/FM radio and Extra Batteries
The above items are minimums. You may also want to consider the items on the
list below. Customize to suit your needs.
Cellular Phone and/or CB Radio
Cord, nylon that is thin, light and strong
Extra Petrol Can or petrol in a Jerry can
Reflectors, and/or Emergency Signs
Heat Source, Hand Warmer, MRE Heater
Weapon - personal choice item, and governed differently everywhere.
TIP 8: Always keep the fuel tank at least half full. In areas of ice and snow,
a full tank will provide extra traction.
TIP 9: Be aware of temperature extremes in automobiles. If an item has a shelf
life, wide temperature variations will hasten its deterioration.
Rotate medications very frequently. Check with your physician or pharmacist if
your prescriptions, as well as nonprescription items, are heat or cold
Rotate your food supplies. I recommend hiking bars you can eat and replace
frequently. MREs, nuts, high calorie bars, etc. are also good.
Rotate batteries more frequently.
TIP 10: Water is heavy and bulky. It will constitute the largest amount of
weight allocated to supplies. Check into filtration. Filter straws are
available that can generate 48 litres of drinkable water from a mud puddle.
TIP 11: For convenience, you can store parts of your kit in different areas of
your automobile. Food can be protected in the trunk in an ammo can or
Tupperware container.
TIP 12: Highly recommend is the Browning Arms Featherweight line of Knife. They
are light and not as expensive as you may think.
TIP 13: Layer clothing for added warmth.
TIP 14: If you must walk, watch weight and bulk of your gear. Travel very
light. Consider a torso pack. All the weight is on your hips and your back
won't sweat. This is the area where the more money spent on quality pays off in
the end. Be picky about your Pack!
TIP 15: If you have chosen to stay in you car, be aware of carbon monoxide
poisoning. If you must run the engine to keep from freezing, remember to crack
a window.